1945: Army Hears Evidence For Breakwater (4)

from the “Half Moon Bay Review,” 1945

“Nat Johnson presented similar data on behalf of the market fisherman, and said that 150 salmon trawlers now using the port of Princeton would be increased to 300 if the breakwater is built.

“A.M. Patrick, president of the Princeton Packers, Inc. told the hearing that the harbor would prove of inestimable value to the entire fishing industry and daily tonnages of sardines for a number of canning plants at Princeton were forecast by several speakers.

“F.A. Mosier, representing the federal coordinator of fisheries, enlarged on both the wartime values and post-war values of the harbor improvement, developing the fact that a partial unloading depot and haven of refuge for the sardine fleet in Half Moon Bay would add approximately five full days to the present 105-day season, covering an increase in production of as much as 35,000 tons for…[apologies, missing lines.]

“[missing lines]….of the merits of the proposed harbor, with respect ot yachting, swimming, sports fishing and cruising. He elaborated on his report at the afternoon session and pointed out the natural advantage of having the industrial developed at the northern end of the projected harbor while county recreational facilities and yacht anchorage would be located at the southern end without appreciable conflict.”

…to be continued…

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